Intensive rehabilitation center for stroke and other neurological injuries

Who can we help?

- recently or several years ago strokefor patients who have undergone
- strokefor patients who have undergone
- Parkinson's syndromefor those living with
- multiple sclerosisfor those living with
- and by accident neurological injuryt sufferers

we can provide effective help so that they can return to their everyday lives as soon as possible.

What kind of patients are we expecting?

We welcome those affected and their relatives for whom the following causes difficulties on a daily basis:

- the everyday cleansingare hindered in
- it is dressing, eating needs help
- walking, standing, grasping and other movements and movement coordination and balance their problems are,
- who after the injury they are dizzy, they cannot move independently,
- who with cane, walking frame, wheelchair they drive and want to change that.

Circulation improver





strength training

Physical coping


How can we achieve all this?

Unique and already proven with our program, that is SNR® functional traininggel and with our innovative tools, we quickly and efficiently restore freedom of movement, strengthening and development without getting stuck. We give one for hemiplegia personal interventionist program, which we continuously adapt to the patient's condition and level.

If certain parts of the brain fail, then other areas can take over their tasks, we incorporate this feature into our work with a suitable method.
The lower and upper limbs are brought into action with the SNR® interventional, protected program, as well as ARNI methodrel. We conduct 4-5 hours of intensive functional practical training with the person concerned. The ARNI method in Hungary exclusively with us is available.

At the same time, we also teach relatives for help at home, what and how to do for a more effective recovery. In our center, we teach several days of intensive treatments and training to precise practical techniques, which can continue in their home. And in 3 months we are waiting for those involved to continue working together on the path of development until reaching the next level.

About us

After establishing Stroke Neuro Rehab Kft. in Hungary, we started the hard work. First of all, we accredited the method for physiotherapists and our important goal was to prove as many stroke survivor and relative how they can with a completely different approach to achieve successes. By controlling their actions, they will become more confident and therefore faster they can regain their independence.

I started my profession in Hungary. I was the head physiotherapist of the Mátészalkai physiotherapy center for 20 years, and I was an outsourced practical instructor for 10 years the University of Debrecen physiotherapist major.

Pásztor Gabriella SNR

Pastor Gabriella

Lead physiotherapist, Senior ARNI Instructor BSc(Hons), MCSP, HCPC,AAI, MDT(McKenzie)

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Available services

With SNR® functional training, it is very important to emphasize that the training is special every time customized which develops problem solving, encourages the person to do individual exercises at home. Not only does the person concerned receive training, but the entire family also receives a professional training support, advice the ordinary to make life easier. With our method, we can achieve the best results if the people involved receive a personalized program and protocol, which is ARNI is based on four main elements: circulation-improving exercise, task-oriented, task-specific exercises, specific strength training, physical coping or self-treatment strategies.

SNR® is intense

functional training

Upper limb

rehabilitation 1 hour


medical gymnastics

Speech therapy

speech therapy


fine motor skills



Foot massage

foot reflexology

Individual and group

life counseling

Bemer therapy

physical vascular therapy

Safe Laser

laser treatment




osteoporosis therapy

Fall prevention

group gymnastics


medicine and wellness


vacuum massage

Spine training

posture improvement

Our available packages

The service compilations listed below are of an informative nature, because we prepare the rehabilitation plan for everyone individually, according to their condition, of course also taking into account their needs.


Smart package


Premium package


Exclusive package

The rehabilitation process


Condition assessment and plan

When you come to us, the first step is a detailed health assessment conducted by Dr. Gizella Bakos. This assessment provides the basis for the rehabilitation process and allows us to get an accurate picture of the current state of the affected person. After the condition assessment, we prepare a unique rehabilitation plan that helps the development of the person concerned.


Motion analysis on video

After the initial assessment, a thorough mapping of movement functions begins. Short video recordings are made of the affected person's current movement abilities (with the consent of the affected person, of course), which can be used to monitor the progress of the rehabilitation and to visually document the progress.


Intensive training and education

The purpose of our two-hour SNR® functional training twice a day is to retrain the brain to perform various everyday tasks. During the trainings, we perform various exercises that enhance motor skills and improve the general quality of life. We also pay special attention to the training of the attendants, who learn how to help the affected people with everyday activities at home.


We can only accept registrations after completing our status assessment questionnaire. The phone number below is exclusive for the purpose of interest can be called.






+36 70/803-7481

Health assessment questionnaire

Our condition assessment questionnaire is a basic tool for creating a treatment plan. This questionnaire is designed to be recorded in detail and comprehensively by the person concerned current health statusincluding physical, cognitive and emotional abilities. The questions help to assess the basic movement functions, the skills necessary for independent living, and the difficulties in performing everyday activities. The information collected during the health assessment allows us to personalized, targeted interventionsthat maximally support the healing process of the affected person.

Stroke Neuro Rehab® Center

An institute dealing with the rehabilitation of neurological injuries, which basically provides an active rehabilitation program for stroke survivors.

Our mission

Our mission is to help you regain independence, independence and place in the family!

Medical treatments available

The rheumatology clinic specializes in the conservative treatment of bones, joints and other parts of the musculoskeletal system, offering solutions without surgery. The treatment process begins with a detailed assessment, followed by individualized therapy, including pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory injections, as well as hyaluronic acid and collagen treatments to improve mobility and relieve pain.

SNR szolgáltatások
SNR szolgáltatások


specialist order





Steroid lidocaine


Prof. Tom Balchin

"Whether we ourselves or a relative survive a stroke, our everyday life is turned upside down. Carrying within it the possibility that nothing will ever be the same again. After all, the affected person needs constant supervision and needs to be helped in everything. I experienced this firsthand and me, as well as you. That's why I decided that I must definitely bring the method to Hungary, with which a person with a central nervous system problem can live a quality life again."

Facebook group

Visit the Stroke Neuro Rehab® Center to your Facebook group, where is unique supportive community waiting for you! Join us if you or a relative has suffered a stroke, a stroke, is living with Parkinson's syndrome, multiple sclerosis, or has suffered neurological injuries as a result of an accident. In the group you can meet people who they face similar challenges, and with those who have already successfully regained their independence and independence. Our community is the place where you can exchange information, share experiences and get support to the difficulties of everyday life. You can discover it SNR® functional training advantages, that is ARNI method, and our other innovative treatments, which aim at quick and effective rehabilitation. Join now, and join a group where all members are working toward one goal: to restore a full quality of life.