Continuous improvement

Dora from Fuzesi

My name is Péter Somlai and I turned 50 last year - 2021. In the summer of 1990, I had a serious, life-threatening road accident, and I was in a deep coma for almost three months in the accident surgery of the hospital in Veszprém. I regained consciousness in November, after which I was transported to the rehabilitation institute in Budapest. Interestingly, the actual rehabilitation didn't start until December, when I got home. Here I would like to thank my parents again, who asked a physiotherapist and a speech therapist to make something happen, because my situation did not promise much good.

If you think about it, Dóri wasn't even born in the year of my accident - atheists now skip the next part of the sentence - and it was only in God's plans that we would work together from the summer of 2021. And with what result? This is what the next article is about!


In May, we started Dóri's special Arni exercise, which mainly meant re-strengthening my limbs affected by paralysis. Already in the first months, we achieved significant results, when my right side, which was the most affected by the paralysis, started to behave "well". I first noticed when swimming that the "knocking" of my right hip appeared much less often. My swimming also became more harmonious, the distance and the joy I felt because of it both increased.

This was the first, most striking success.

As a result of the accident, my balance also became unstable. In the beginning, I didn't undertake independent walks, because I was unable to even change places in minutes. Dóri and I tried to improve my balance in addition to correcting my clumsily moving right side. Dóri showed special exercises for this, and his predictions were unbelievable, but they came true. I was also able to take my dog for a walk, who accepted this change with great joy.

I already mentioned that the "downtime" affected every part of my body, but the worst part was my right side. I think it's important to mention something else about my hips:

Years ago, my rheumatologist doctor expressed the opinion - when she heard my hip tapping - that she thought it was 10 years until the surgery. We also moved this part separately in the tournament, and these ten years did not decrease over time, but remained unchanged.

"Putting my right knee to work" was also successful, mainly relieving the load on my left side - and with that, we achieved a significant reduction in my pain.

Today, I have become able to do small household chores, I help my parents, e.g. with the fact that I manage the smaller purchases. It also happens - unfortunately not very often due to my laziness - that I prepare dinner for myself. My walks to the nearby bakery are frequent, and - due to my elderly parents - I am also a frequent guest at the pharmacy...

In addition to once a week, I also do the exercises that Dóri advises at home. I love working with him, and as unbelievable as it may seem, the sometimes physically difficult exercises are a mental relief, so that I can hope for improvement in the near future...